Kevin Glasheen
Council Member
Council approved some year-end reappointments and some new appointments to various committees and commissions. I want to clarify the purpose of service on committees and commissions, and the process for being appointed.
Most city commissions, like the Park Commission, are simply “advisory” commissions who exist for the purpose of advising city council. Others such as the Planning and Zoning Commission have some specific responsibilities laid out by law but can be overruled by a supermajority of the council. The Board of Adjustment acts independently of council to grant variances, and their decisions can only be reviewed by a district court.
The process to be appointed to a board or commission is to submit an application with the City Secretary. When there is an opening, council, and in some cases the Mayor can nominate a person from the pool of applicants. Appointment to a board or commission by council is entirely within council’s discretion. Nobody is entitled to be appointed. If you would like to serve, you are encouraged to apply. We have a lot of talented people in our community. Anybody who wants to make a positive contribution is encouraged to apply. A citizen does not need to agree with my agenda to get my support. Opposing views are helpful and encouraged so long as the input is civil, substantive, and constructive.
If you would like council to approve your appointment, I suggest that you speak directly to a council person and ask them to support your appointment. Anybody is welcome to call me or meet with me and talk to me about any appointment, or any matter of interest or concern.
Most city commissions, like the Park Commission, are simply “advisory” commissions who exist for the purpose of advising city council. Others such as the Planning and Zoning Commission have some specific responsibilities laid out by law but can be overruled by a supermajority of the council. The Board of Adjustment acts independently of council to grant variances, and their decisions can only be reviewed by a district court.
The process to be appointed to a board or commission is to submit an application with the City Secretary. When there is an opening, council, and in some cases the Mayor can nominate a person from the pool of applicants. Appointment to a board or commission by council is entirely within council’s discretion. Nobody is entitled to be appointed. If you would like to serve, you are encouraged to apply. We have a lot of talented people in our community. Anybody who wants to make a positive contribution is encouraged to apply. A citizen does not need to agree with my agenda to get my support. Opposing views are helpful and encouraged so long as the input is civil, substantive, and constructive.
If you would like council to approve your appointment, I suggest that you speak directly to a council person and ask them to support your appointment. Anybody is welcome to call me or meet with me and talk to me about any appointment, or any matter of interest or concern.